Whittlesea Junior Basketball Association is proud to follow Basketball Victoria’s initiative to provide an appropriate environment for our referees under the age of 18.

We expect that all referees are respected, however acknowledges that making more of an effort to behave appropriately around referees who are children is essential to their wellbeing. Unfortunately, we cannot tell if a referee is over or under the age of 18 just by looking at them or by judging their ability, so we have created a simple identifier- the Green Whistle. 

The role of the referee is very important, and the expectation of them to know the rules, apply them accurately and then communicate is extremely high.  Unfortunately, when these expectations aren’t met, therefore players, coaches and spectators too often lose their ability to self-regulate and act out in a negative way. 

Trained and accredited referee coaches provide the feedback and coaching required for the development of referees. It’s critical that the key messages provided by trusted mentors and educators aren’t drowned out or obscured by negative behaviour. Allowing referee coaches to coach and allowing referees to referee without distraction or hindrance leads to improved performance, a safe environment, and a better experience for everyone.